Tinder Sex Date Made Easy – Rules for Using Apps Like Tinder for Hookup

by FriendFinderX

If you aren't in the relationship mindset, you can join the club. Relationships aren't for everyone. They have a specific time and place. If you aren't ready to settle down, just got out of a bad relationship, or just moved to a new area and are looking to meet people, you shouldn't feel bad for exploring the sexual realm of the local population. Instead, you should fully embrace the moment and the event. This way you can truly enjoy the other person and enjoy the time that you have until you do find someone you want to make more permanent. Until then, be fully sexual self and never feel bad about it.

Have Some Sexy Fun with Dating platforms

However, the world has evolved since the common bar scene hook up was the only place to make your presence known. Now you have a plethora of digital dating apps that allow you to find just who you are looking for, without having to pay for a single beer. Site like Tinder are great for single night events. They can cater to anyone looking for anything. This is great because it lets your intentions known to the public at the start and you can either swipe right or left depending on your attraction to the poorly shot selfies.

However, don't be the person that does online dating wrong. That is just sad. Yes, it takes a little effort to make it happen, but if you don't care and wing it, you will not be happy with the results. Instead of enjoying the company of another, you will be getting reacquainted with yourself instead. Nothing wrong with that, just not the preferred result. So, when you start browsing profiles, take a few hints for the list below to incorporate into your search for proper online sex dating domination.

What You Shouldn't Do:

• Don't ask any hard questions. You don't want to put them in a bad mood if you start talking global warming or interest rates on ten-year bonds. That is a real downer.

• Don't linger on topics, issues, or at their place. Keep the conversation light and fun.

• Don't be ambivalent or too good for dating apps. You are there for sex. Own it and love it.

• Don't ask for contact info if you don't need it. If you want to keep it casual, then keep it casual.

• Don't start the conversation with hey or an emoji. That is just lame.

• Stop listing body type requirements. Sex is fun with everyone if you keep your mind open.

• There is no need for an extremely long bio all about your dog or taco fetish.

• Stop getting upset about being ghosted. It happens in life. There are just too many people to keep informed and too little time to text them all back.

• Don't have sky-high expectations. Once you place expectations on the night, you set a bar that will most likely never be met. If you don't want to be disappointed by the night's activities, go in with an open mind and just enjoy the evening.

• Don't be a pickup artist even though you are looking for casual sex. No one wants to be smooth in real life. You want to be respected. People are attracted by confidence not fake sleazy grease balls.

• Don't catfish a girl or guy you are trying to hook-up with. That just doesn't make sense. They are going to meet you. Don't pretend to be someone else.

What You Should Do:

• Have more than 3 pictures and don't always have group shots or selfies. Have enough photos that show your full body from multiple angles. Remember that you are asking people to decide on having sex with you based on your profile and a few text chatting sessions. Make your profile count.

• Safety first and stay casual by being yourself. You don't know who they are. This means that if anything seems off you need to bail immediately. There is no downside to saying no at any time during the texting sessions or during the actual evening.

• Read their full bio and look at all of the pictures. Check out all of the info that is listed for the other people. Try to see if they would be interested in what you are putting down.

• Keep an open mind about the experience. Don't judge and just have fun.

• Always be prepared. This means that when you do get to the date, bring protection and lube. You never know when you may need it. Also, a few personal items to make a sleep over more comfortable is never a bad thing.

• Always be considerate. These are real people. Don't purposefully hurt anyone's feelings. That is just rude.

• Have fun. Even if you get to the date and they aren't who you thought, you can still enjoy the evening and not go back to their house. It can still be a fun time even though it isn't consummated.

Be Open, Be Honest, & Have Fun

The number one rule you need to remember if you want to not only have fun but to be actually successful at finding sex on dating apps is to be open and honest upfront about your intentions. When you are completely transparent with your potential matches online, they will know what to expect and can decide ahead of time if this is something that they are into.

Tell them that you are here for something casual and singular. Tell them that you want it to get physical. Tell them you don't have to spend the night if it isn't necessary. The more they know while still chatting via the app, the more likely that when you get to the date, you are also getting around those bases. So, instead of waiting till that third drink to inform them that you aren't interested in anything but sex, make sure that either in your online dating app profile it mentions only casual hook-ups or at least you tell them after you match that you are looking for low-key fun.

Honestly is the best policy, so stay honest, stay safe, and have a ball of a time.

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